The Extreme Pod Bipod is the first half of the most effective, lightweight, diverse shooting system. Determined to stay in the lead of originality, the crew at Rugged Ridge Outdoor Gear put their heads together to solve the final phase of a long range hunters shooting platform dilemma, the rear rest.
Until now wobbly elbows, heavy sand bags, and rolled up coats have been an accepted solution of supporting the rear portion of the rifle. The day has come that we can say goodbye to these sloppy techniques and rely on true American made mechanical advantage. We are proud to present the“Extreme Rear Support System – E.R.S.S”
Most Reliable & Sturdy Rear Rest System
Until now wobbly elbows, heavy sandbags, and rolled up coats have been an accepted solution of supporting the rear portion of the rifle. We now have a system that is reliable and rock solid for shooting long distance.
Take It Everywhere!
Comes with carrying case. Lightweight and can fit into a bino harness, small pouch on backpack or in your back pocket. We offer two different color options. Orange and Black.
Adaptability - | 4 push button incremental stages |
No More Heavy Rear Bags - | Only weighs 4.4 oz |
Steady Crosshairs - | Most solid, field support system, ever made |
Scratch Resistant - | State of the art polyurethane cradle and feet |
Take it Everywhere - | Belt attachable carrying case included |
Color Options - | Orange and Black |